Feeling Good Naked Through Holistic Health and Wellness

January 2, 2024
Posted in Blog
January 2, 2024 TouchCare Team

In a society that emphasizes external appearance, it’s easy for beauty to become your health goals. Feeling good naked goes beyond just physical aesthetics; it’s about cultivating confidence, embracing your body, and emphasizing a strong sense of overall wellbeing. In this blog post, we will explore the components of health and wellness and foster confidence to help you feel good naked all year long!

Let’s start by defining “health and wellness.” Health and wellness are broad terms that encompass your overall wellbeing and includes physical, mental, and emotional health. We all have our own version of health and wellness which is influenced by culture and society, our family, and our friends. We all have different goals, health histories, strengths and weaknesses and all have unique bodies which require individualized care. So each of our health journeys will look a little different. That said, there is a universal rule at Health Meets Wellness and that is – the path toward improvement must be approached holistically. 

"We all have different goals, health histories, strengths and weaknesses and all have unique bodies which require individualized care. So each of our health journeys will look a little different."

The secret to feeling good naked, extends from the body to mind. The mind-body connection is crucial to achieving sustainable wellbeing which is why we combine different components of mental and physical health. By incorporating physical activity with diet and nutrition and medicine we are able to achieve lasting results that radiate from inside out. 


Modern medicine has grown leaps and bounds over the past 100 years to help people achieve improved health and wellness. As we continue to move towards a world of more personalized medicine, it’s important to consider genetic factors as well as your environment when discussing your health with your doctor. Let’s take a look at a condition that affects 41.9% of the US population- obesity1. Obesity is a chronic condition that puts people at an increased risk of other weight related conditions such as: cardiovascular disease, joint pain, diabetes and many more. In addition to these other weight related conditions, obesity plays a big role in mental, emotional and spiritual health. You’ve probably heard of popular weight loss medications, such as Ozempic and Mounjaro. These medications are part of a class of diabetes medications, called GLP-1 agonists and/or GIP medications, which are made up of hormones called incretins. These hormones are naturally produced in our bodies and are released in response to food. These hormones act by decreasing hunger signals to the brain and slow transit time in the gut. They also help regulate blood sugar and are excellent at managing type 2 diabetes as well as obesity. Although these medications may not be the right fit for everyone, it’s important to recognize for those struggling with the condition of obesity it can be life changing. The medications have helped to remove the stigma associated with being obese and have opened the discussion around the many factors contributing to weight gain such as: genetics and chronic conditions, like insulin resistance. The HMW Method combines medication with intuitive eating to help our patients foster healthy habits outside of the office. They’ve said the medication helps them: “make the right food choices” and “quiet the food noise.” Yet as effective as the medication is, it’s critical that it is just part of your health plan because combining it with nutrition and exercise is a recipe for lasting success.


A balanced and nutritious diet is fundamental to physical wellness, daily performance, and confidence. Nutrition is a tool to support your holistic health goals and maintain a healthy weight. Today’s grocery shelves tempt us with processed and ultra processed foods that make sticking to your nutrition goals challenging. Snacks, sweets, frozen dishes, canned soups, chicken nuggets, ice creams, and fast foods, are formulated with a series of extraction and chemical modifications that significantly alter the nutrient composition of the food. These foods are extremely unhealthy and high jack our naturally hunger cues encouraging overconsumption. They’re also very tempting because they’re designed to be addicting! So don’t beat yourself up if you overate processed food this holiday season. You’re fighting an uphill battle when these foods hit your lips. But it’s important to recognize the negative health implications of eating these foods. Processed foods are associated with increased adiposity (of fat) and risk of morbidity2 and a staggering  57.9% of the calories consumed in the United States comes from ultra-processed foods3

A whole food diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients is crucial to supporting your overall physical, emotional, and mental health. Eating whole foods and reducing your consumption of processed foods will ensure adequate nutrients get to your body and mind. Your brain needs these critical vitamins and nutrients for optimal cellular performance and so does your body. So you’ll both look and feel your best! Eating whole foods works inherently to support your gut microbiome which can improve digestion and supports your emotional wellbeing. The little bugs in your gut are important on a cellular level and for the big picture. It’s important to have a doctor who is considering your health from the inside out. That’s ultimately how you’ll feel great naked. Everyone’s nutrition goals look different, whether your goal is weight loss, improved body composition, increased energy levels or longevity, a personalized nutrition program is key to achieving and maintaining these health goals.

Physical Activity:

Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining wellness. Exercise can support your physical health by improving your muscle mass, reducing your risk factors for chronic diseases, improving the blood flow throughout your body, as well as positively impacting sleep. Exercise also positively impacts emotional and mental wellbeing by improving mood and boosting energy levels. Engaging in a mix of exercises for cardiovascular health, strength training, and flexibility is key. So try finding a routine with variety that works with your schedule and that you can commit to long term. Exercise can often be a powerful tool to embrace self-love. Setting aside time to do something for yourself, whether it’s a 20 minute walk or 10 minute yoga flow, it’s worth it. Taking time to exercise allows you to accomplish something for yourself every day; it’s a great reminder that you’re worth putting time into.

Taking small daily actions to improve physical and mental health will help you feel good naked in 2024! Try to remind yourself that achieving your wellness goals is a journey, so set realistic expectations. Achievable expectations help encourage systemic wellness and will boost your confidence in the long run, and it’s a marathon not a sprint. Throughout your journey make sure to cultivate a positive body image by focusing on aspects of your body that you appreciate. Celebrate your strengths and learn to accept your perceived imperfections. Most importantly, remember that feeling good naked extends beyond physical appearance. Nurture a positive mindset, embrace holistic health through medicine, nutrition, and exercise, and cultivate confidence. At Health Meets Wellness, a concierge medicine practice in NYC, we foster a definition of health that encompasses physical wellness, daily performance, and confidence! 

Contact us at (917) 833-5234 or info@healthmeetswellness.com to learn more. 



  1. Warren M, West M, Stacy B. The State of Obesity: Better Policies for A Healthier America 2023. Trust for America’s Health tfah.org. September 2023. Retrieved from here.
  2. Crimarco A, Landry MJ, Gardner CD. Ultra-processed Foods, Weight Gain, and Co-morbidity Risk. Curr Obes Rep. 2022 Sep;11(3):80-92. doi: 10.1007/s13679-021-00460-y. Epub 2021 Oct 22. PMID: 34677812; PMCID: PMC8532572.
  3. Martínez Steele E, Baraldi LG, Louzada ML, Moubarac JC, Mozaffarian D, Monteiro CA. Ultra-processed foods and added sugars in the US diet: evidence from a nationally representative cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2016 Mar 9;6(3):e009892. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009892. PMID: 26962035; PMCID: PMC4785287.

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