Virtual Primary Care

All the benefits of in-person primary care,
now virtual.

Convenient, high-quality care

VPC manages your employees’ health the same
way as a traditional primary care physician would –
just over the phone or through video chat.


Setup is seamless and hassle-free. Your business can have its program up-and-running quickly.


Receive care for common ailments, mental health, chronic conditions and referrals to in-person care.


Get help on-demand from a dedicated Care Navigation Team. They’ll be available to provide support when members need it.

Expert Care 24/7/365

High-quality, accessible primary care for employees and their families. From checkups to routine care, we can help your employees get the primary care services they need- virtually (while helping them avoid costly in-office visits).

  • Annual physicals
  • Management of chronic conditions
  • Preventive care
  • Exams & screenings
  • Prescription management


Members can choose their physician and are able to have a regular virtual exam once every 12 months.


Experience follow-up services like a traditional doctor would offer, such as labs and imaging.


Members have access to virtual urgent care, and teletharapy. They’ll also receive prescription discounts for costly drugs and routine refills.

Earlier care,
better results.

96% of primary care concerns can be diagnosed
and managed without an in-person visit.


Our virtual-first approach helps you decrease overall healthcare costs for your company and your employees.


If you need in-person care, your VPC provider can refer you to the right specialist. Your Care Navigator will ensure you get the best care at the best price possible.


Give employees the perks that will keep them and their families healthy, safe and happy with their benefits.

Should something urgent come up, employees can talk to an Urgent Care provider anywhere, anytime.

"It’s a huge relief to have somewhere to turn – and not have to wait a month to see someone. Great system and staff. Caring, organized, efficient. Truly peace of mind."

Interested in learning more?

Our goal is to produce happier, healthier employees while providing cost savings for your clients.
To learn more about how we can help, click the button below.

Inhale. We've got this. Exhale.

Understanding healthcare; with us, it’s personal.


111 W 19th Street, 2 FL
New York, NY 10011

Members: (866) 486-8242

Sales: (833) 482-7253
